Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 23 2014

Hey everyone, this week was pretty sweet. For the first time in a long time we were able to give service this week. Two times! WE shoveled dirt one day and the other the zone leaders Elder Bradshaw, Elder Castro, and also Elder Campo and I took down an active wasps nest in the terreno of a family near the chapel. It was pretty cool, and no one got hurt. At the end the injured wasps were on the ground were fighting with the ants, and the ants won. They satrted carrying the wasps to their holes to eat and what not. Also, we had a bunch of appointments this week and our investigators are progressing a bunch. The family Pacherres (the family we re-activated and baptized the youngest daughter) presented us to one of their neighbors and now we are teaching her and her kids. Normally she attends the family home evenings in the house of the family Pacherres with us and she went to church too this week. Another interesting thing that happened is that we found a cousin of the stake president and are now teaching her, her husband, and her kids (her husband is a taxi driver and we really found him and contacted him first, he accepted having us over one afternoon so we started teaching them). The husband is super cool, they have 3 kids and want to get married so we will try helping them with that as well.
Today for Pday we went to the beach with the zones tumbes and Puyango and played american FOOTBALL!! And my companion from the ccm Elder Prince is in tumbes so we caught up a bunch today. All is going well with me here in the hot frontier, or desert. The work is going well. We're hoping to have 7 baptisms in July, we'll be working harder than ever before I think.
And yes, the world cup is big here but Peru doesnt have their team in the world cup so everyone has to choose a different team. I plan on buying a USA jersey in a week or two. Maybe a few other jerseys from other countries. I want to take advantage of the world cup here and buy some jersyes haha.
Anyway, I'm quite alright. Hope everyone up in the states are doing well too. Know that I love you all!

Elder Evans

Ps. This week in my studies I read a lot about Alma and when he and his sons went to preach to the zoramites. chaptes 31 to 33 or farther are pretty sweet. It talks about faith and the people who keep the commandments before being impulsed to keep them are the most blessed.
A service activity picking mangos

Boys love to be in trees

Pday at the Pacific

A mango and a smile

Elder Paul is holding a wasps' nest that they "exterminated"

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 16 2014

Happy Fathers day! I hope one day late is alriht. I hope everything went well yesterday and you all had a good time!
We had transfers today but Eldr Campo and I are staying! I ll have 6 months in my first two areas and i'll have my birthday here and my year mark. A bunch of the members, especially the ward mission leader, and the family of the pensionista, and my district are super excited that I'll pass my birthday here ha. I will finish the training of my compnion elder campo and I am once again district leader. Elder Bradshaw, who was with me in the ccm, arrived here as my zone leader and elder prince, my ccm companion is in tumbes so I'll see him a bunch too. I am sad that Elder Stanley left and went to Piura, and Elder Mena, one of my zone leaders, left just after once tranfer here, because he is now Assistente. But that's suepr cool, I'm supper excited for him, hes super cool. Elder Castro still is my zone leader here for these 4 transfers, we arrived to puyango together and we will leave together (in this mission 4 transfers in one area is the maximum so it's sure that we both go). 
Anyway, this week was great. We had 2 investigadores present in the stake conference yesterday, the both of them want to get baptized. The both already want to get baptized, one has a baptismal date set for the 5th of July and the other we stll have to set up a day and time, and she has to go to church one more time (three times at least). We are starting to see the work coming along really well here and there are lots of people progressing or going to progress.
In the stake conference one of the presidency of the temple Guayaquil gave a talk, as well as Luiggi Mendoza (a member in my ward getting ready to send his mission pappers in). Luiggi's talk was so good, he said stuff like (in the translation): ¨When I read the scriptures, I tell myself: The Church is true. When I go to church on sundays, I tell myself: The Church is true, When I go out with the missionaries, I tell myself: the Church is true.¨ He also said that in a liahona magazine (ensign) he found a quote that said something like this: ¨Äs members of the church, we leave the bad behind for the good, and we leave the good behind for the better.`  
I hope that we all can start telling ourselves without a doubt that the church is true as we go about in our daily routines, and that we can leave the good behind for the better because we have all already left the bad behind for the good. We can always improve in something. 
I love you all and once again I hoppe you all had a great Father's day, especially you Dad!


Elder Evans

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 9 2014

This week went pretty well. One of our investigators is pregressing pretty well and went to church for the second time. Her grandpa is from Trujillo and he is a faithful member with a lot of time in the church and she got interested in the church after showing him the church here because he is visiting Tumbes just for a month and wanted to go to church here. We had a meeting with ward mission leaders, ward missionaries, full time missionaries, led by the stake president and his counselors yesterday. It was super cool. This new stake president from my ward is super excited to get to work with the missionaries and taught us how to better work with the ward mission leaders and ward missionaries and bishops. We set up some big goals as a stake and are planning for a huge family home evening in the stake center with 15 people for every companionship. We're hoping that it all works out well, it's planned for July11.
OnSaturday Elder Stanley and Elder Mamani had a baptism and Elder Campo, Elder Mena, and Elder Castro, and I helped out. I played piano for the meeting. Come unto me, choose the right, and a few others that I never had played before, that may only be in the spanish himnario.
Today we had a super cool P-day. You all can look at the pictures, we pretty just messed around like we did as little kids. It helped relieve some of the stress that naturally comes from being a missionary ha. 
I'm glad everyopne is doing well and hope that you all have a great week!

Love you all!
Elder Evans 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 2 2014

This week was crazy, I pretty much missed an entire wek of work. I first went to Lima last sunday night until Tuesda night, then Wednesday night after the district meeting I made the 5 hour trip  to Piura with my companion and the other trainers and new missionaries, then my companion Elder Campo went to Lima. It was rough on our numbers but we have high hopes this week. One lady showed up to church because she had to take her grandpa (a member from Chimbote) there to church. We will start visiting her this week and her family. I have very little to write because that is all that happened this week. In lima we ate papa johns and mcdonalds. In tumbes we made french toast again. And we taught a few lessons in our few open windows of time. The work is going slow right now ever since our investigator with baptismal date set up and all fell through. She had passed her interview and everything and was all ready to get baptized that week but her kids changed her mind and discouraged her. It's super sad. Right now we have to find a bunch of new people. We'l be working super hard this week! I'm looking forward to it.
Elder Stanley showed me this verse a while back in 3Nephi 5:13
 13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.
And after reading Ether 12:27 about the faith, read 2 corinthians 12: 9-10. I think those are some of my new favorite scriptures.

Love you all!!

 Elder Evans