Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 9 2014

This week went pretty well. One of our investigators is pregressing pretty well and went to church for the second time. Her grandpa is from Trujillo and he is a faithful member with a lot of time in the church and she got interested in the church after showing him the church here because he is visiting Tumbes just for a month and wanted to go to church here. We had a meeting with ward mission leaders, ward missionaries, full time missionaries, led by the stake president and his counselors yesterday. It was super cool. This new stake president from my ward is super excited to get to work with the missionaries and taught us how to better work with the ward mission leaders and ward missionaries and bishops. We set up some big goals as a stake and are planning for a huge family home evening in the stake center with 15 people for every companionship. We're hoping that it all works out well, it's planned for July11.
OnSaturday Elder Stanley and Elder Mamani had a baptism and Elder Campo, Elder Mena, and Elder Castro, and I helped out. I played piano for the meeting. Come unto me, choose the right, and a few others that I never had played before, that may only be in the spanish himnario.
Today we had a super cool P-day. You all can look at the pictures, we pretty just messed around like we did as little kids. It helped relieve some of the stress that naturally comes from being a missionary ha. 
I'm glad everyopne is doing well and hope that you all have a great week!

Love you all!
Elder Evans 


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